Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Diffusion Of Innovations- Rogers

When it comes to new and upcoming innovations and product ideas, people tend to go nuts over the new product releases. First released in 2016, Airpods are something that are becoming more and more popular by the second. Just take a short walk downtown Chicago, and you will see nearly 1 in every 4 people are wearing Airpods from what I could observe. Airpods first came in 2016, and now, they are the hottest headphones on the market. I believe that Rogers Diffusion of Innovations has a lot to do with this. We have the pioneers and innovators, these tend to be the people who will pave the way, and be the first to even pre-order the product. As more people find out about the convenience and quality of the Airpods, more people want them by the day. This year, they have blown to monumental success, to the point where they are now more popular then the previous headphone supremes, The Beats By Dre Headphones. Airpods run around $150-160 which is a steep price, but they will last forever, and the convenience is priceless. Although to some they look like the ends of Colgate electric toothbrushes being stuck in the ear, to others, they are an innovation they simply cannot go a single day without. This product follows Rogers' Diffusion theory to the T, around now I would say we are at the early majority stage still. Because they are still so new. But, I am confident within the next few years, Airpods will be "new" to the laggards, and the pioneers will be pre-ordering the next big thing to come. Overall, Airpods are at a stage of monumental success, not only because all because people want to fit in with them, but also because they are convenient, high quality, and well lets be honest.... made by Apple. The black version of the product is on the way, and I can only expect this to be even more popular than the white version! When we look at the headphones market, we see a similar theme. The Beats headphones are already on their downfall, I would say that product is beginning the Late Adopters/Laggards stage soon. New products will continue to come, and Rogers' Diffusion Theory of Innovations is a vicious cycle, that will continue to repeat itself, as new products come.


Empire Star Jussie Smollett:

Recently, there has been a lot of news, drama, and opinions regarding the Jussie Smollett case. Jussie was accused of staging the entire brutal hate attack, causing fans, celebrities, and everyone in between to turn against him. It was just announced that the charges against Mr. Smollett will be dropped. “After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”- Lawyers, and ABC News. Since then, there have been many people butting heads regarding the case, causing fights and even more communication drama on social media platforms across the board. Jussie was reluctant to hand over his cell-phone in the case, which sparked even more drama, and making people point fingers at the star. All in all, the case has been resolved, and no matter what people will not always agree on the outcomes of trials, in example, this specific case.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blog Post- Promote Tolerance

I chose to do my blog post on the 6th value of free expression, which is to promote tolerance. After doing research on promoting tolerance I have found a giant convention held in both Los Angeles and New York once a year. Called Rupaul's Drag Con. It is essentially a giant convention with people of all shapes, sizes, sexual orientations, skin colors, and everything in between. Appearing at the convention are over 100 drag queens who have appeared on VH1's Rupaul's Drag Race since 2009. The festival is a giant celebration of love, sexuality, acceptance, tolerance, freedom, and equality. Everybody who goes reports leaving, feeling lifted, free, and accepting of not only themselves, but everyone else. Although some consider drag queens "odd" or "weird", it is actually these people's full time profession, and is considered an art form, and a metaphor for being your true self. This convention's attendance is a massive plus 40,000 people. This is as large as a music festival. Now that the reality tv show is becoming more mainstream, so will this convention. The more that people know about the convention the more people may be interested in it. The world needs to continue to communicate in ways of tolerance, not violence. The world has become a place of darkness recently, and spreading love and communicating to each other, everyone is equal, will make this world a better place. Tickets for Rupaul's Drag Con are available now, and are extremely affordable. Not only will there be drag queens, but social media stars, actors and actresses, and even pop-stars!

Friday, March 8, 2019

"Snapchat Streak Rules" For 2019

It is no secret that Snapchat is potentially the most popular social media app to date. On Snapchat, people have what are called streaks. This means when you send someone a snap, and they send you back a snap within the same day (24 hour period). When this has been done 3 days in a row, a number 3 will appear next to that person on your friend list. Then it only goes up from there, I know some people who have 900-1000 day streaks, which is crazy!! I firmly believe that Snapchat streaks keep people together, because I personally have streaks with people who I know I would not be friends with if I did not have a streak with them! It is cool how something as simple as a number, is keeping people so connected!! You can now get back a streak once it is lost too, this happens if you or the other person fails to send a snap within the time period. You will then lose the number, and potentially even contact with that person if the streak was the only thing keeping you together! See more below!:


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

"Momo Challenge" Getting out of hand-

It is no secret that everybody knows the obnoxious, stupid, and dangerous Momo Challenge. This challenge is usually through forms of anonymous communication such as WhatsApp, Kik, etc. Unsuspecting children who may just be trying to explore, can wind up in a dangerous situation when the communication begins. The challenge revolves around doing harmful things, and this is not a good use of communication at all. The "Momo" monster is not even a real thing, it is a piece of horror art titled "Mother Bird". Yes, it can be very scary to kids, but parents need to educate their children on proper uses of social media apps, when it comes to safely communicating with others, NOT strangers!! It has since been proven that the terrifying challenge is a hoax. Although videos with mom in it did appear, the challenge itself was never a real thing. However it did spark lots of communication, buzz, and press about the seriousness of the topic. The internet is becoming a dangerous place, especially for kids. Knowing how fast challenges and things like this can spread, it was imperative we communicate safety when navigating the internet, especially to children.
