Friday, March 8, 2019

"Snapchat Streak Rules" For 2019

It is no secret that Snapchat is potentially the most popular social media app to date. On Snapchat, people have what are called streaks. This means when you send someone a snap, and they send you back a snap within the same day (24 hour period). When this has been done 3 days in a row, a number 3 will appear next to that person on your friend list. Then it only goes up from there, I know some people who have 900-1000 day streaks, which is crazy!! I firmly believe that Snapchat streaks keep people together, because I personally have streaks with people who I know I would not be friends with if I did not have a streak with them! It is cool how something as simple as a number, is keeping people so connected!! You can now get back a streak once it is lost too, this happens if you or the other person fails to send a snap within the time period. You will then lose the number, and potentially even contact with that person if the streak was the only thing keeping you together! See more below!:

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