Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blog Post- Promote Tolerance

I chose to do my blog post on the 6th value of free expression, which is to promote tolerance. After doing research on promoting tolerance I have found a giant convention held in both Los Angeles and New York once a year. Called Rupaul's Drag Con. It is essentially a giant convention with people of all shapes, sizes, sexual orientations, skin colors, and everything in between. Appearing at the convention are over 100 drag queens who have appeared on VH1's Rupaul's Drag Race since 2009. The festival is a giant celebration of love, sexuality, acceptance, tolerance, freedom, and equality. Everybody who goes reports leaving, feeling lifted, free, and accepting of not only themselves, but everyone else. Although some consider drag queens "odd" or "weird", it is actually these people's full time profession, and is considered an art form, and a metaphor for being your true self. This convention's attendance is a massive plus 40,000 people. This is as large as a music festival. Now that the reality tv show is becoming more mainstream, so will this convention. The more that people know about the convention the more people may be interested in it. The world needs to continue to communicate in ways of tolerance, not violence. The world has become a place of darkness recently, and spreading love and communicating to each other, everyone is equal, will make this world a better place. Tickets for Rupaul's Drag Con are available now, and are extremely affordable. Not only will there be drag queens, but social media stars, actors and actresses, and even pop-stars!

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