Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Diffusion Of Innovations- Rogers

When it comes to new and upcoming innovations and product ideas, people tend to go nuts over the new product releases. First released in 2016, Airpods are something that are becoming more and more popular by the second. Just take a short walk downtown Chicago, and you will see nearly 1 in every 4 people are wearing Airpods from what I could observe. Airpods first came in 2016, and now, they are the hottest headphones on the market. I believe that Rogers Diffusion of Innovations has a lot to do with this. We have the pioneers and innovators, these tend to be the people who will pave the way, and be the first to even pre-order the product. As more people find out about the convenience and quality of the Airpods, more people want them by the day. This year, they have blown to monumental success, to the point where they are now more popular then the previous headphone supremes, The Beats By Dre Headphones. Airpods run around $150-160 which is a steep price, but they will last forever, and the convenience is priceless. Although to some they look like the ends of Colgate electric toothbrushes being stuck in the ear, to others, they are an innovation they simply cannot go a single day without. This product follows Rogers' Diffusion theory to the T, around now I would say we are at the early majority stage still. Because they are still so new. But, I am confident within the next few years, Airpods will be "new" to the laggards, and the pioneers will be pre-ordering the next big thing to come. Overall, Airpods are at a stage of monumental success, not only because all because people want to fit in with them, but also because they are convenient, high quality, and well lets be honest.... made by Apple. The black version of the product is on the way, and I can only expect this to be even more popular than the white version! When we look at the headphones market, we see a similar theme. The Beats headphones are already on their downfall, I would say that product is beginning the Late Adopters/Laggards stage soon. New products will continue to come, and Rogers' Diffusion Theory of Innovations is a vicious cycle, that will continue to repeat itself, as new products come.


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