Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My Online Presence

When it comes to my online footprint, I like to keep it to a minimum. I usually will only post once or twice a month on either, but I will actively use multiple social media outlets on a daily basis. My only "personal" websites I would even consider would be my Linkedin, Facebook, and this blog of course! My favorite social media sites to use consist of Instagram, which I know is an app, Facebook, and YouTube. I do not personally have a YouTube channel, but I know of many friends that do! I usually will just put things I want other people to know about me, on my social media outlets. Things like where I work, where I go to school, where I went to high school and grew up, my interests, etc. I never like having private or personal information out there. With that comes an opportunity for something to backfire potentially. If you are a random visitor to my Facebook profile you could immediately tell I am a huge fan of concerts, and I am a brand ambassador for 2 VIP ticketing event companies! You will see some of my photos, and where I go to school, and "Chicago". I do not like to make my phone number or home address ever visible to the public. I usually will give out information like my phone number and email address to companies when placing orders and things like that, but I will sometimes use my fake email. At school, my address does not become as much of an issue because my address here is a temporary one. Things like e-mailing lists, I will use a fake email and not give my phone number.

I think social media is a great tool for everyone to have and use, but some people do not like it. As we saw in the article (attached below) about a 14 year old who left social media immediately after going on. It can be a very toxic thing as well. I know personally, I have been hurt or upset by other people having fun, and being out posting having a good time, while I have been sitting at home. Things like this are what make others upset, as social media can also be used in negative ways, to hurt people. I do think social media can make people lonely and depressed, because people will soon realize that an entire online virtual world, is not a real world. Hiding behind a computer screen is not a way of living or a good way of life. As we get older we need to learn how to be adults, and not hide. The other article mentioned how some of Facebook users still are not completely aware to how some of it works, this is absurd, but sadly true. Overall, I do think social media is a great new tool that is connecting people, and putting parts of your life on display for others to see, it has come a long way, but we still all need to be careful with social media online.



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