Saturday, May 4, 2019

Smith-Mundt Act

  • The Smith-Mundt Act was first established in 1948. In 1948 when it began, it was firstly considered the information and educational exchange act of 1948. This was to keep people from knowing what this act was really about.The Smith-Mundt Act authorized the use of propaganda  by the Government, however it was only authorized to be targeted at people from different countries, not ours. But that is when 2012 came along, and the act was repealed, and modernized. This meant nothing but bad news for us as a country, because this new "modernization" made it essentially legal to now direct propaganda at the United States' own citizens. Essentially what this means, is it is now legal for OUR OWN Government to direct propaganda at us, without us even knowing when it is used, or how it is used. This is why now in modern society, it is so difficult to tell when the Government is deceiving us, or telling us the truth.

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