Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Propaganda More Dangerous

After reading an article, I am shocked.... Today, we all know and love them... Memes. Believe it or not, propaganda is now more dangerous than ever. As seen in the photo below, this poster of uncle sam "recruiting" for the U.S. Army has been seen millions of millions of times, since the early 1900's. Unfortunately, this reappeared in 1968, and is still reappearing today. It is a known fact that propaganda posters can teach us a huge amount of information about psychological effects of politically pointed art. For example political comics, these are still considered "memes". The dangerous aspect of this is that memes are no longer centrally orchestrated pieces, they are no longer designed to advance the public good. But instead, be negative, or even worse, mind bending, or manipulative to its audiences. Because this article is from the Washington Post, we know it is most likely reliable. Through the power of mass media, and mass replication, anybody at this point can spiral into internet fame by being "funny" but there could be darker or more manipulative messages behind these "memes". However in some RARE cases, they can be positive... For example the egg on Instagram that still holds the record for most liked photo at nearly 55 million likes, all for no reason. This account turned out to be a plot to manipulate people into listening to messages about the dangers of mental health. This was good, because that is a topic that millions of people are still ignorant to. Overall, it is fun to look at memes, but we need to be careful, because now more so than ever, they can be targeted at us, to act, believe, or think a certain way. The power of persuasion.....

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