Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mainstream Media

When we think about the massive amounts of news and media outlets in existence, it can be overwhelming. First and foremost are the most popular media sources, these are things like ABC, CNN, NBC, FOX, etc. Because most people know about these, and consider them to be reliable, these are known as mainstream media sources. If you turn on the television to watch news, most likely one of the previously named sources is what any given household will pick. However mainstream media, specifically when it comes to politics, can have especially negative connotations, because we know many media outlets are in fact biased. This may cause some households to prefer the news sources that bias with their own viewpoints.  On the other hand, alternative media sources are things that are not mainstream, or media sources not everybody knows about, some examples are given below, like BuzzFeed, Inside Edition, The Daily Beast, etc. While these can still be reliable, they are not considered to be mainstream.

When we think of problems in media or even life, whistleblowing is a massive one. Internal Whistleblowing is something like spotting a co-worker stealing money, or doing something they should not be doing, and telling the boss about this. This does not always have to be something bad, as it can at times serve justice. External whistleblowing is similar, however it would mean reporting it to someone external of the company, who is not affected directly, for example the police. Confidential sources can help journalists reveal transgressions in the Government or in other organizations. But whistleblowers all around, do get a bad wrap, as it's in a way "snitching". Sometimes it can be good as mentioned before, especially when it exposes a politicians wrongdoing.

**Information in this blog post was gathered from notes on a fellow classmates presentation.**

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