Wednesday, May 8, 2019


On to a more humorous but still serious topic... The INTERNET TROLLS! As the article mentions, internet trolling can actually get pretty nasty, and turn into anything but a laughing matter. Internet trolls are the people who like to go online, and bash, hate, and rebuttal with people who are just trying to share an opinion. It's no secret that as a human, part of your rights in the First Amendment, is freedom of speech as we learned in class. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason that when one goes online to make a comment, or share a post, someone should fire back calling them wrong, or simply dismissing another persons opinion. Trolls can be mean, and disgusting, and are typically most common at places like the comment section of YouTube videos, Blog Comments (hopefully none magically appear on mine!), Forums, Email responses, etc.
Trolls can be depressed, or self conscious, resulting in them feeling an urge to hop online hiding behind a computer screen, just to bash other people. While the trolls are also protected by the First Amendment, it is somewhat unfair that they can behave in this inhumane, disgusting way, and still get away with it. Specifically when it comes to things like controversial topics, the trolls are everywhere. And by controversial we all know I really just mean Politics!! Overall, internet trolls are everywhere, and will continue to be everywhere, and after reading this article, I can honestly just say, Ignore them! As I mentioned in my presentation, I have been trolled before, and it really doesn't bug me, because I know most of them have an IQ of ketchup. While everybody takes these trolls differently, it is important to remember although they may act better than you, they are not. Everybody has the same rights, and everybody is entitled to an opinion.

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